July 31, 2012


As much as I'm getting to like the new blogger there are things I hate like how it marks things spam (when they're not) an you don't see it! I guess I need to start viewing comments by clicking on the blog rather than relaying on the comment page! Anyway my point is I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Cassie of Cassie Shea and here are her awesome questions for me!

  1. What's your earliest memory?
    I oddly remember being in the Christmas play when I was really little. I don't remember how young I was but I remember standing in front of everyone in the church.
  2. What's your all time favorite author?
    I know it may be over used but J.K Rowling her books were my childhood
  3. If your house suddenly caught on fire and you had five minutes to collect five items, what would you get? (Not including pets and family, they're all safe!)
    Pictures, Lab top, a few sentimental items, as much pyrex as I can, and some clothes
  4. What are you craving right now?
    Breakfast foods
  5. Who's your current favorite blogger?.
    There are so many it's hard to narrow it down to one.
  6. Do you have an etsy? If not, what would you make if you decided to open one?
    I did called Craft'n Bettie but I'm working on some new items and debating on using etsy or shopenvy this go round.
  7. What do you miss the most about your childhood?
    Having no responsibilities! Though I enjoy the freedom of adulthood I miss not having to worry about anything.
  8. What was your happiest/proudest moment?
    Graduating college.
  9. First Movie that comes to mind, go!
    Emperors New Groove
  10. Do you cry at movies?
    A Walk to Remember and The Fox and the Hound (EVERY TIME)
  11. Have you ever been on TV? (Bonus question for me! - I have! I was on "Too Fat For Fifteen: Fighting Back". No, I wasn't the main star, but I did go to the Wellspring program and was featured on the summer episodes for Emily (who's one of my little friends!))
    Nope but I always have weird dreams that I was on Full House for some reason lol.


  1. i can not distinguish why blogger/discus marks what as spam. drives me NUTS! on disqus i have /low rep' despite being on the platform for almost 3 years and haveing like 400 comments....what is that about?

    anyhow - i totally forgot about emperors new groove! i haven't seen that in forever!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

    1. It's rather annoying even though it has caught some spam comments I don't like it gets normal ones too.

      I saw something online earlier with it and it instantly popped in my head. I wish I had the dvd on me it must have been one of the ones I left at the grandparents house when I moved out.

      xo Amber P.

  2. The Fox and the Hound is one of my favorite movies but I just can't watch it !!!

    1. I hadn't watched it in years but it was on tv and I started crying! It just tugs at your heart strings so hard.

      xo Amber

  3. Thanks so much for answering my questions! I love reading the answers! I love Emperors New Groove! I should watch it now! Yes, I think I will! I'll definitely check out your etsy, I love finding handmade products and vintage goodies!!!

    1. No problem! I use to have the dvd but it must be at the grandparents otherwise I'd watch it now lol. The shop is on vacation until I get working on new styles but feel free to look at the facebook page!


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