- I'll host up to 10 Sponsors each month.
- As before it'll be 100% Free
- Ad size is 200x100 (see image above for reference)
- Sponsors can do giveaways and/or guest post (please contact me in advance to discuss)
- Ads will cycle with every page refresh, so everyone gets some attention.
- Ad for Ad available: I'll keep your ad up for as long as you keep mine up on your blog, this way you don't have to worry about renewal each month. (please contact me if you're interested)
Please email me at amberupbeat[at]aol[dot]com with the following information
1. Blog Name/Brief Description.
2. Ad you'd like displayed.3. URL address you'd like to link for you Ad.
It's a first come first serve basis so if it's full I can save space for you the following month.
A mass email will be sent out regarding information on Sponsorship.
This is a non-profit blog and will not require any form of payment to use ad space. Giveaways are at the discretion of the shop/blog owner and I have a right to turn away sponsors if I feel they do not pertain to my blog or to my readers.