July 3, 2012

Prepping for the Fourth

Tomorrow is Independence Day (plus my grandpa's birthday) so of course there are tons of things to do to prepare for the festivities. One thing being an outfit and I've been so busy helping Dustin work on his truck (more handing him tools and holding things no actual tinkering) that I've yet to put one together. This is what I'm leaning towards:

I have about everything except for the shirt which is a good less things I have to buy. As much as a tank top would be comfortable I'm already sun burnt from my trips to the junk yard so I need something to cover my shoulders and upper arms. I'm going to be wearing 80 sunblock but I still need to keep my shoulders and my tattoo from being more sun burnt. Anyway I'm so excited for the parades and fireworks tomorrow! What activities are going on in your town for the fourth?


  1. I love this list! The pants are cute(:

    1. Thanks! I couldn't find the shirt I was looking for but I found a shirt I could wear that I already had! I don't have that specific pair but some that look like it and they are so comfortable!

      xo Amber P.

  2. Cute outfit!

    You have parades?! I'm waiting for the day when my area won't have fireworks in the budget haha

    1. There is a makeshift family parade in the small area I grew up that they started only for family then started announcing it around to churches in the area. So now anyone can create a float or something and sign it up for the parade. It ranges from really redneck to awesome plus we can sit in the front yard. The main town has one too but we stopped going to it and just go to the fireworks showing.

  3. This is such a cute Fourth of July outfit. :) I really hope you had a fabulous Independence Day!

    1. Thanks so much! I had a great day hope you did too :)

      xo Amber


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