As always the rules...
- Post these rules.
- Post 11 random things about yourself
- Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
- Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
- Tag them on twitter, facebook or your blog
- I'm not a morning person if I wake up around 8 am or 10 am. As much as I hate getting up supper early (because I go to bed late) I wake up a lot quicker and not as tired compared to waking up around 8 or 10 am.
- Even though I'm left handed I can bat on both sides when playing any kind of baseball.
- My favorite super hero is Superman.
- I love Doctor Who. (not so much random)
- Guilty of watching Pretty Little Lairs weekly. (despite obvious flaws in the show compared to the book)
- I know basic html codes by heart (thanks xanga and myspace)
- I can never cook chicken right (unless I smoother it in salsa and bake it) because I get so nervous about internal temperature so it turns out kind of dry.
- I can make some damn good hot chocolate.
- I want vanilla pudding right now.
- My next class is basically a two hour wine tasting everyday.
- I finally come to terms that I have adorable handwriting even when its super sloppy.
Question from My Dear Watson
- what is the story of your blog name?Freshman year in college I wanted to make jewelry and wanted to think of a clever name. My Mom and I were (and still) obsessed with owls so I wanted something with the word 'owl' in it. As usual when I googled a name the idea was already taken. I can't recall if it was me or my Mom that brought it up but there was a road called owl's den that we passed, oddly enough, going to the trash dump. So I googled it and found no one with that name and stuck with it. I never actually open the online jewelry shop back then but when I was converting my interior design blog (Retro Chic) that name came back to me and I stuck with it!
- do you have a celebrity crush?
I have reoccurring celebrity crushes like Collin Firth, David Tennant, Billie Pipper, Jesen Ackles, and many others.
- what is your favorite fast food spot?My hot spots are either Cook Out or Wendy's but I like Wendy's if I have enough cash because you can choose other sides beside fries.
- what is your favorite holiday?Halloween because I have always loved dressing up and I've always have/had awesome costumes!
- are you a good public speaker?When I'm prepared or know the subject well I'm a great speaker. I've gotten comments that I have a nice prominent voice so that's good. If I don't know what I'm going to say I do get nervous and mispronounce words but I've had to do it so much in school I just brush it off when it happens.
- what is the first blog that you remember reading?Wow that had to be back in my Xanga days when I was 13 so I can't really recall who or what the blog was about.
- if i were to give you $100 dollars to spend at one place would you choose target, starbucks or your favorite thrift store?Favorite thrift store of course! I could stretch that dollar and get so much awesome vintage stuff. Oh just thinking about it makes me smile.
- do you have a favorite quote or motto?One thing my grandma, or I call her Nanny, also told me was never to think you are better than somebody else but also never to let anyone else tell you they are better than you. Another one is a simple bible verse from Matthew 7:12 which basically says to treat others as you would like to be treated.
- describe an outfit that makes you feel awesome.I love my dark floral dress from Pacsun paired with tights and my oxford flats. It's really kind of simple but I just love it!
- what is your biggest pet peeve?People who turn on their turn signal in the middle of merging, people who bite/dig at their nails in public, and people who skip in line would be my major pet peeves
- what makes you happy? like, ridiculously happy.Spending the day with friends and family or just sitting down and doing something I enjoy without having to worry about the time (like making jewelry or painting).
Click here
I'm not sure who to tag since I didn't specifically tag anyone so feel free to do anything of these 11 question games with my questions!

Grandma's are so smart. I love that. I love doing these. It helps me focus!
ReplyDeleteThey truly are! She's helped me out so much when I'm having trouble with something (or taxes lol).
Deletexo Amber P.
thanks so much for playing along! great getting to know you better.
ReplyDeleteIt was so fun! I loved your questions :) Thanks for including me.
Deletexo Amber P.