March 15, 2011

Wax Be Gone!

 As you may remember I mentioned I did the owl candle project the hard way and this resulted in wax getting on the new place mat we got the week before. I thought it was ruined and it was doomed to have the wax on it. Of course being me I couldn't live with that idea so I googled how to remove it and it worked great. Here are the very simple steps to get wax out of fabric.

This is what it looked like forever blobbed.

*From what I read this works best for non-colored wax.*

What you'll need:
  • Ironing board
  • Iron (on warm setting)
  • The messed up fabric
  • Paper bag or Papers

  1. Take the paper bag or some paper and place under the  waxed stained fabric. 
  2. Set the iron on warm (not hot) and go over the waxed area.
  3. The residue should appear on the paper. You may need to replace the paper depending on how much residue is on it.
  4. Flip the fabric over and to the same to the other side.
This is the end result and you can hardly tell a bunch of wax was spilled on it!


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