July 27, 2013

Guess What Today Is?

It's my 23rd birthday!!

I know twenty-three isn't anything special, and unlike Taylor Swift I'm no longer feeling twenty-two. Friday I went out with the Grandparents, Mom, Step-Dad and my Brother to Roadhouse (Texas Roadhouse but I like calling it that). I ordered one of their margaritas, which was huge, luckily I had a little help drinking it because even though it wasn't too strong it was still too much. My Grandpa mentioned last Sunday how he was going to tell them it was my birthday so they'd sing, but I just brushed it off and said, "Sure". It was pretty crowded when we got there and they had already came out a few times to sing Happy Birthday to other tables. While we were waiting on our food he told the waitress it was my birthday, but I quickly shook my head 'no' and she said, "Well would you like a free ice cream?" Thinking she took pity on me I answered "Okay", she replied, "Then you'll have to let us sing to you!" I got hooked in by free ice cream, but I wasn't sure if they were going to really sing to me or not. Well as soon as we were finished eating I hear the clapping...I got the spotlight on me and got some free ice cream. It wasn't as horrible since my Grandpa also told them about my Grandma's birthday being a few days ago, so I wasn't the only one getting sung too. All in all I had a great time with the family, and I'm excited to go out with friends later tonight for some Sushi :)

July 24, 2013

Sponsor In August!

Where has this month gone? I mean seriously, my birthday is at the end of the month and that's coming up in a few days!

Well as per usual Sponsorship is free, so if you're interested check out the Sponsorship page and send me an email with what option you'd like to do!

July 20, 2013

Birthday Wish List

Next Saturday will be my 23rd Birthday and I can't believe that it's only in a week! Even though I'm still unsure on what I'm going to do on my birthday I did have a good idea of what I wanted for it.
  • New Tattoo- I've gotten money saved up and just looking for a time to go down and get another one. There were so many ideas but I like the idea of a ship wheel and possibly adding a Doctor Who spin to it.
  • Leopard Print Flats- I love flats and wear them all the time so these leopard print ones would go perfect for my (slow) growing collection.
  • Doctor the Recipe Shakes- I think they're just darn adorable and I love Doctor Who.
  • KitchenAid Mixer- The item that inspired my recent tattoo is something I've wanted for a while, though I may not get it for my birthday it's too pretty not to put on here.
  • Drawstring Backpack- Though I don't carry a backpack much, but I going to a concert/festival a few days after my birthday and this would be too perfect (plus cute) to carry all the things.
  • Denim Vest- Who doesn't want a cool denim vest they and trick out with patches and pins? 

July 14, 2013

Recipes | Grilled Ranch Zucchini

One thing I love about Summer is fresh vegetables from my Grandpa's garden. A few weeks ago he sent me home with huge a zucchini squash that I had no idea what to do with. Luckily my Mom was nearby and mentioned a great recipe that she makes all the time! It's easy, delicious, and did I mention affordable?

What You'll Need:
  • Zucchini Squash
  • Ranch Dressing Packet
  • Sheet Tray
  • Grill (Outdoor or Indoor)

  1. Clean zucchini and cut off the narrow part of the squash. Take the thicker half and slice 1/2" pieces. Take the narrow piece and cut lengthwise to get long strips.
    *This way you use the whole squash and don't have to worry about small pieces falling between the grill.
  2. Lay out zucchini pieces and sprinkle both sides with the ranch packet.
  3. Leave on the grill for about 2-3  minutes then flip; if there isn't any grill marks leave it for a few minutes longer.
  4. Once the other side is done you're ready to eat!

We paired our ranch zucchini with a pasta and cheese sauce, but it's perfect as just a side dish too!