September 22, 2012

I survived...

I survived Chocolates and Confections class! I know you're probably rolling your eyes but it was tough an when you had multiple recipes and a time limit there was a lot of pressure to get it done on time. My chocolate box got a decent grade it wasn't perfect but here it is.

 My original thought was to make it look like a skeleton was pushing open the grave lid.
 Then I couldn't find the molds for the skeleton fingers so decided to make a spider praline on top of the grave
When I tried to put the legs on the chocolate praline it didn't work and I barely got the two on each side. Then the crack I made on the lid didn't come out as planned so I tried to pipe chocolate over the line. Not to mention the chocolate piece for the lid was too thin an looked like it was going to sink in but it didn't fall apart!

It was a challenge and when I would get one thing right something else would go wrong. I think the only good thing was my milk chocolate was tempered so no swirls or fat blooms, just my finger prints from me trying to piece everything together in time. The next class is How Baking Works so we'll see how that goes :)


  1. Yay chocolate! A class about chocolate? Sounds goood to me <3
    xo Heather

    1. That's how I felt at first and that wore off after day three but looking back it was a rather awesome class.

      xo Amber P.

  2. Looks like you did a lot better than what I would have done ;) At least you get to eat it right! Yum Yum
    xo Emilie @ Hungry Delights

    1. Thanks! I didn't get to eat the box but I got plenty of eating chocolates in class :)

      xo Amber P.

  3. yay! congrats! you pushed through, finished and i am sure learned a ton from this class, that is the most important thing. if you made everything perfect then we would never learn anything. now you can only get better! keep it up!

    1. Thanks so much! It's true there is no point wasting the time if you already know how to do it but knowing I can makes through this like it makes the rest a little less scary.

      xo Amber P.

  4. that seems REALLY fun even if it wasn't perfect - i think it's pretty darn hard to do something new and make it like cake boss quality or something - you did well!!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails // current giveaway

  5. That class sounds awesome. Your box looks cool, well done!

    x Lisa


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