November 30, 2011

Feel That Vibe

I bought this dress last week on a trip to the mall with my dear friend Desiree. I tend to hold back on major spending for myself such as clothing asides from simply things but I had some extra money after paying bills I thought it was time to pick up a dress or two. Pacsun was having a sale buy one get the other half off so I couldn't resist and picked up this lovely dress and a beautiful green one.


Dress: Black Poppy Boho Dress,Pacsun
Necklace: Gifted
Shoes: Dollhouse Oxford Flats, Rugged Warehouse
Tights: Walmart

Sorry for the poor picture quality but my camera was being difficult.

November 19, 2011

My First Craft Show

Earlier today was my very first craft show! Like I mentioned before my boyfriend's co-worker, Martha, invited me to share her table at the Christmas Craft Show at a local church. 
She makes wonderful purses, small bags, guitar straps anything that involves sewing. 
It was a neat experience and though I didn't sell as much as I wanted I did sell somethings. 
A lot of people liked my jewelry but next to me was a very experienced jewelry maker that had a table full so my little pieces were kind of overwhelmed by that. I know next time to be prepared! 
I have a lot of Christmas/Holiday jewelry left so I'm going try and put that up on the site by Monday so don't forget to check it out.

November 10, 2011

Vintage Finds

Another project and homework done and now a book report and two exams to go! I stayed up ΓΌber late, well basically stayed up until morning then took an hour nap before going to school, to put the finishing touches on a business plan. As soon as I came home I went to bed and I'm not going to worry about starting things until tomorrow.

Anyway I wanted to share my vintage find from the end of last month. I went to Goodwill to find pieces for my witch costume but did not find much except for this wonderful embroidered photo for $2.

I haven't figured out where on my vintage wall collage I was going to put it so it's hanging where an old photo was. I think it'll go great with the two embroidered duck photos I got and when I find a non-winter theme paint by numbers I think all the colors will come together!

Also wanted to share my chalk board media center mural for Halloween before I change it out for Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll be back to my regular posts in two weeks!