October 30, 2011

Autumn Blog Party!!

Today has been very busy day...actually you could say that about this whole week. Today I woke up went straight to work, ate lunch, met some people for a group project, came home and just continued to work on a debate for class tomorrow. I do have a little bit of time so I thought I would fill you in on this awesome event.

Laura has an splendid blog called Blue Eye Night Owl featuring  owls, music, photography and all kinds of lovely things. She had a Autumn Blog Party earlier today with some amazing tutorials, projects and giveaways. Go over and check out my Zombie Cake tutorial and all the other amazing posts featured today. 

Sorry I didn't have time to fill you all on this sooner, but I have been so over whelmed with projects. My November calender is basically filled up with working on them plus getting ready for my first craft show so I apologize for my absence and will soon return to normal blogging during my school break.

October 22, 2011

Vintage Finds: 10/22/11

I have been fighting a cold this week but today I felt a bit better so I decided to check out this new thrift store that is located in the old thrift store I use to get good furniture (say that three times fast). They don't have as much stuff compared to the one before but they recently open it's understandable. They had great prices for huge pictures and even had a beautiful globe for $7. I was trying to spend less than $5 so I had to say no the globe but if I go back and it's still there then I'm getting it! Anyway back to my vintage find...

This carpet bag cat purse for only $1 :) There was a beautiful one with horses on it but the purses didn't have prices and I didn't want a huge surprise if they were more then a few dollars each. I might change a few things on it but it's huge and has plenty of space to put my junk it in. I like cats if you couldn't tell.
Well I need to finish another paper and then open for work. Hope you all are having a good weekend!

October 13, 2011

D.I.Y | Mini Pompadour

(I couldn't resist posting Johnny Depp as Cry Baby)

I've really been wanting to do some sort of hair tutorial so I thought I'd share my way to do a mini pompadour. It's perfect for those days you don't have time to wash your hair or if you want some awesome volume. I have bangs now that I just push to the side but I have done this before with shorter bangs just the puff isn't as tall.
 *Note: I was trying to take pictures while doing my hair plus it was late so ignore my tired face and awkward photo angles.

  • Hair brush
  • Plastic Hair Comb
  • Bobby Pins
  • Hairspray
  • Hair Putty (if your hair is clean run a little bit through bangs)
Step 1: Take a portion of your bangs and little bit of hair to create a small pony tail.
Step 2: Take the pony tail and twist it.
Step 3: After you have twisted the pony tail lay it down and don't let go of the pony tail.
Step 4: While still holding the pony tail down take the comb with your free hand and press it in. I like to gently push the pony tail then put the comb right behind the twisted part of the hair.
Step 5: If the pompadour isn't how you would like it just grab the pony tail piece and redo it.
Step 6: Once you have it like you want it take a bobby pin and put it on the extra hair left over from the pony tail. This helps keep the extra hair stay in place and not fall to one side.
Step 7: Spray all  over to keep everything in place.

There you have it the mini pompadour! Just a helpful tip is during the day make sure to just push the comb every now an again. It won't come out but it keeps the pompadour from going flat!

October 9, 2011

D.I.Y | Jewelry Display

I'm taking part in my first craft show at a Christmas Craft Show this November and wanted something to display some of my necklaces. I looked in different stores but either I couldn't find the style I wanted or the style I wanted was way too much. I finally decided I was going to make my own and though it was a bit challenging the price of supplies was half the price of any fancy one at the store.
  • 1-5/8 36"- Dowel Rod (You'll need it cut into one 10" piece)
  • 1-3/4 36"- Dowel Rod (You'll need it cut into two 13" piece)
  • 1-1x3x2 Board (You'll need it cut into one 12" piece)
  • Water Based Wood Stain
  • Acrylic Paint 
  • Clear Gloss Spray Paint *optional
  • Masking/Painters Tape (preferably with the thinner width)
  • 2 Foam Paint Brushes
  • Ruler
  • 1 1/2" Wood Screws
  • Sandpaper

  • Electric Drill- with drill bit and screw option
  • Screw Driver *optional
You'll want to go to the hardware store and pick up the two dowels and board. If the store offers wood cutting let them know what sizes you need or you can buy a hand saw and miter box to cut at home. I picked out oak wood because it's has a beautiful natural grain but it is really hard to drill and cut.  
You'll want to go ahead and stain your wood dowels and board using the foam brush; let dry. Then take your masking or painters tape and tape out a zig zag or another pattern on the wood base. 
Take the other foam brush and paint over the top of the board and let dry. It took me about two coats of white to get the brightness I wanted.
Now here comes the math and measurement part.
You'll want to mark where you'll drill the holes in the dowels and where on the board you'll place them. You'll need to mark both entries and make sure everything lines up, it's kind of like doing a dry standing of what it's going to look like. I was in such a rush to get it done and didn't do as great of a job marking and measuring which made it take much longer to finish.
Once you finished this take your drill bit and drill the holes for your screws. Make sure you don't make it too big or too small for the wood screws. 
I found it easier to start with the base board and screw the 13" dowels into place. Then take the center piece and screw in each side. 
If you want a glossy finish use the clear gloss spray and let dry. 
There you have it! Your own jewelry display where you can show case your necklaces and jewelry.

Also I'm trying to save up for this Christmas Craft Show so I can buy supplies for jewelry and packaging. I had a enough to kind of kick start buying supplies for holiday pieces and packaging but I still need to purchase a few more items to make necklaces and also boxes to put jewelry in for customers. With that said all proceeds from Craft'n Bettie will go to help my efforts  :)


October 6, 2011

My First Blog Award: 7 Things

I've only been part of blogger for maybe a year but I'm still a little new when it comes to awards and what to do. So with that I'd like to give a big thank you to the two lovely ladies that gave me this award: Melissa (Simply, Melissa Ashley) & Bree (The Art of Being Cool)!!

Now that I know what to do (rather than just being excited my little ol' blog got awarded something) here are the rules:
1. Say "thank you" with a linking post
2. Write 7 things about yourself
3. Give the award to 15 other blogs
4. Inform them about it!

Even though I've already told you a lot of things with my 21 Things series I still have a few things unknown about me:

1. I'm allergic to pineapple as long as I eat it. So I can cut it but I can't consume it or anything that has been in contact with the pineapple juice.
2. I have the odd "talent" of crossing my big toe with my "index" toe on my right foot only.
3. I taught myself how to do the Elvis lip, not because of him, but I wanted to teach myself how to do something I couldn't before.
4. I love to read though I don't do it as much because I get so involved with the book nothing else gets done. I just can't put a good book down!
5. I'm a big sucker for paranormal shows/documentaries.
6. I can't roll my tongue. I tried to learn how when I was younger but to no avail. My friend Laura tried to teach me Spanish and I tried to mimic the sound when she rolled her words but it sound horrible.  
7. I have a tattoo :)

Now to pass the torch to 15 different bloggers!
1. Katie from Hazel and Mare
2. Kirsten from Studs and Pearls
3. Crystal from Windshield Diaries 
4. Laura from Blue Eye Night Owl
5. Jamie from Found and Made
6. Rachael from Talk2TheTrees
7. Julianna from Ce Soir On Danse
8. Kaisha from Far From the Mocking World
9. Annie from Wattlebird
10. Rebekah from Bird and Feather
11Hannah from Of The Great Perhaps
12. Molly from Velvet Tangerine
13. Amy from Green Eggs and Hamm
14. Lily from Little Birds
15. Katia from Kitty Snooks

Again thank you Melissa and Bree for including me in this!!
